Golf, la Lpga vara il regolamento: vietate scollature e gonne corte

Paige Spiranac (Foto Getty)

La Lega americana del golf femminile attua una modifica al codice d'abbigliamento. 1000 dollari di multa a chi giocherà con un vestiario non adeguato

Una piccola rivoluzione colpisce il mondo del golf femminile. Non in termini di regolamento, ma dal punto di vista dell'abbigliamento: per le donne è infatti arrivato il momento di coprirsi. Basta scollature, basta gonne corte, basta pantaloncini. Ammessi i leggins, ma solo sotto altri indumenti, e i jeans, purché non siano tagliati. È il nuovo codice varato dalla Lpga e che costerà 1000 dollari di multa a chiunque non lo rispetterà. Decisione presa allo scopo di reagire alla tendenza in atto negli ultimi mesi, con giocatrici in campo con mise sempre più "scoperte", come la famosa Paige Spiranac. L'obiettivo è rendere il più professionale possibile questo sport, come comunicato da Heather Daly-Donofrio, direttrice delle comunicazioni della Lega americana del golf femminile. La stessa ha inviato alle giocatrici professioniste una mail per comunicare la modifica del regolamento che sarà in vigore a partire da domani.

When you try to be like Jordan Spieth, but life reminds you you're just an IG model😂💁🏼💩 #IGtour

Un post condiviso da Paige Spiranac (@_paige.renee) in data:

I love golf. I love the golf swing. I love learning everything I can about the game. I love practicing. I don't love competing and that's a fight I've been dealing with the last few years. People think that "making it" is just about ability but there's so much more to it. Especially with golf, being mentally strong is 90% of the game. Last year I was beat up mentally and was dealing with more than anyone could imagine behind closed doors. It took a toll on me and I started to hate this game I love so dearly. I played around 20 tournaments, made money in all but 2 and got a win as my first year as a pro. However I hated every second of it and was having breakdowns because of all the harassment, death threats, and other problems I wish to keep private. This year I have taken some time off from competing to focus on myself and my passions which is being an ambassador for cyberbullying, doing clinics for young girls and boys, and creating fun videos to hopefully help grow the game. Within this time I've been grinding on my swing and fitness and it's by far the best my swing as felt ever. I appreciate all the support and thank you for following my journey! I always try to be as honest as possible about what I'm going through in hopes I can help others but also show that no matter how perfect or easy someone's life might appear on social media that we are all dealing with our own personal battles. Again thank you for following and always making my day better with every positive comment☺️😘❤️

Un post condiviso da Paige Spiranac (@_paige.renee) in data:

Used to skip rocks when I was younger and now I'm skipping golf balls haha #golf #callaway @callawaygolf

Un post condiviso da Paige Spiranac (@_paige.renee) in data: