Tour de France 2018: agricoltori protestano, caos in strada e corsa ferma per qualche minuto
Incredibile quanto successo a 190 km dall'arrivo della 16esima tappa della Grand Boucle, quando i corridori sono stati costretti a fermarsi e ad ammassarsi dietro la macchina del direttore della corsa a causa di una psotesta di alcuni sedicenti agricolotori. Per disperdere i manifestanti la gendermerie è intervenuta col lancio di fumogeni. SEGUI IL LIVE DELLA 16^ TAPPA

A 190 chilometri dall'arrivo della 16/a tappa del Tour de France di ciclismo, in corso fra Carcassonne e Bagne'res de Luchon e lunga 218 chilometri, una protesta di sedicenti agricoltori ha fermato la corsa

E' dovuta intervenire la gendermerie per disperdere i manifestanti, che avevano occupato la sede stradale con delle balle di paglia. Uno di loro sarebbe stato fermato dalle forze dell'ordine

I corridori, dopo alcuni minuti di caos, si sono accodati all'auto del direttore di corsa, Christian Prudhomme, quindi hanno ripreso il cammino liberamente dopo esserci ricompattati

Secondo notizie giunte dalla corsa i poliziotti hanno usato anche gas lacrimogeni per disperdere i facinorosi

Gendarmes detain protesters during a farmers' protest who attempted to block the stage's route, during the 16th stage of the 105th edition of the Tour de France cycling race, between Carcassonne and Bagneres-de-Luchon, southwestern France, on July 24, 2018. - The race was halted for several minutes on July 24 after tear gas was used as protesting farmers attempted to block the route. (Photo by Jeff PACHOUD / AFP) (Photo credit should read JEFF PACHOUD/AFP/Getty Images)

Gendarmes (L and R) hold back protesters with a flock of sheep, during a farmers' protest who attempted to block the stage's route with haystacks and sheep, during the 16th stage of the 105th edition of the Tour de France cycling race, between Carcassonne and Bagneres-de-Luchon, southwestern France, on July 24, 2018. - The race was halted for several minutes on July 24 after tear gas was used as protesting farmers attempted to block the route. (Photo by Jeff PACHOUD / AFP) (Photo credit should read JEFF PACHOUD/AFP/Getty Images)

A protester (C) reacts after scuffling with gendarmes (R and L) during a farmers' protest who attempted to block the stage's route, during the 16th stage of the 105th edition of the Tour de France cycling race, between Carcassonne and Bagneres-de-Luchon, southwestern France, on July 24, 2018. - The race was halted for several minutes on July 24 after tear gas was used as protesting farmers attempted to block the route. (Photo by Jeff PACHOUD / AFP) (Photo credit should read JEFF PACHOUD/AFP/Getty Images)

A protester (R) holding a placard reading "For the Piege region to live" faces a gendarme (C) during a farmers' protest who attempted to block the stage's route, during the 16th stage of the 105th edition of the Tour de France cycling race, between Carcassonne and Bagneres-de-Luchon, southwestern France, on July 24, 2018. - The race was halted for several minutes on July 24 after tear gas was used as protesting farmers attempted to block the route. (Photo by Marco BERTORELLO / AFP) (Photo credit should read MARCO BERTORELLO/AFP/Getty Images)

Gendarmes detain a protester as Great Britain's Geraint Thomas (R), wearing the overall leader's yellow jersey, and the pack ride behind, during a farmers' protest who attempted to block the stage's route, during the 16th stage of the 105th edition of the Tour de France cycling race, between Carcassonne and Bagneres-de-Luchon, southwestern France, on July 24, 2018. - The race was halted for several minutes on July 24 after tear gas was used as protesting farmers attempted to block the route. (Photo by Jeff PACHOUD / AFP) (Photo credit should read JEFF PACHOUD/AFP/Getty Images)

A gendarme (L) sprays tear gas at protesters (R, some hidden) as other gendarmes remove haystacks from the route, during a farmers' protest who attempted to block the stage's route, during the 16th stage of the 105th edition of the Tour de France cycling race, between Carcassonne and Bagneres-de-Luchon, southwestern France, on July 24, 2018. - The race was halted for several minutes on July 24 after tear gas was used as protesting farmers attempted to block the route. (Photo by Jeff PACHOUD / AFP) / ALTERNATIVE CROP (Photo credit should read JEFF PACHOUD/AFP/Getty Images)